27 Haziran 2014 Cuma

[Magazine] Philosophers Pilgrims Punks - Seymour Projects

A friend of mine brough me this magazine from Paris. I have never heard about it before, I have never come across to it. The minute I opened its pages, I knew that something very interesting was waiting for me. This is not only a magazine where you will see articles, reviews and columns full of information. This a project which opens a big space for the reader to be creative, to gain space while getting inspired. This is a platform where self-discovery will set off.

Seymour Projects defines itself as the following:

Seymour is an initiative committed to helping individuals cultivate creative self-expression by encouraging them to balance technological stimuli with internal exploration. Seymour is the protector your mind and the defender of your inner spark. We are dedicated to philosophers, pilgrims and punks. We champion outcasts, marginal thinkers and iconoclasts. We help you see more.

"Good or bad is not the question, authenticity is."

"...human beings can and must learn to be creative in many different ways. [...] 'All around us the fundamentals of life are crying out to be shaped, or created.'"

"I live with fear, every day. And it's okay. It's okay because I used to live in fear.As if fear were a room or a blanket wrapped tight around the body. The funny thing is, when I lived in fear, I thought it was normal. I thought everyone lived like this, and truthfully, many people do. I also thought it was the only way, that I had no choice in the matter. A seemingly happy, highly functional person, I had built a tiny prison that was nearly imperceptible to others. It took me years to learn the difference between living 'with' and living 'in'."

"Many artists, philosophers and even scientists owe some of their best ideas to inspirations that appear suddenly from the unconscious. The ability to reach a rich vein of such material and to translate it effectively into philosophy, literature, music or scientific discovery is one of the hallmarks of what is commonly called genius."

"Take a plunge into the most exquisite landscape you have ever seen -your own mind.
Ride the sound waves through time and space.
Close your eyes and open your ears.
Relax, listen and let your imagination lead you into the depth of your subconscious.
Follow the rustlings of your memory."

"Think of the art and books and laws and music and ideas that have changed your life, maybe even saved your life ."

"Let's live for summat else. Let's not live ter make money, neither for us-selves nor for anybody else. Now we're forced to. We're forced to make a bit for us-selves, an' a fair lot for th' bosses. Let's stop it! Bit by bit, let's stop it. We needn't rant an' rave. Bit by bit, Let's drop the whole industrial life an' go back. The least little bit o' money'll do. For everybody, me an' you, bosses an' masters, even th' king. The least little bit o' money'll really do. Just make up your mind to it, an' you've got out o' th' mess."

Read more from Seymour Projects' magazines here.

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