"Black" is a 2005 Indian drama film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. "Black" revolves around a blind and deaf girl, and her relationship with her teacher who himself later develops Alzheimer's disease. The film draws inspiration from Helen Keller's life and struggle. [Wikipedia]
"My name is Michelle McNally. The older child of an Anglo Indian family based in Shimla. This story is about me and my teacher. A story about two people left incomplete by god who have fought a battle with fate and made the impossible, possible. The world in my story is different where sound transcends into silence and light into darkness. This is my world. Where nothing can be seen nor heard. There is only one name for my world... Black."
"I can see everything clearly. A beautiful morning... snow covered streets... and that little girl... a lost soul, directionless. I will give her wings made of words, Ms. Nair. I will teach her how to fly."
"That day you had won your first battle over my darkness. But today you don't remember anything. Now I will fight against your darkness. I'll teach you everything you taught me. 'Water.' The first word
that you taught me and after that you typed every little detail on my hand like a maestro playing a symphony."
"People celebrate success but we celebrated failure. While eating ice cream you told me the story of the spider who after a lot of tries made her home. After all, failure is the first step towards success but for me these steps were never-ending."
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